Carlsberg / Borderfootball
online documentary
Football unites. To prove this, Carlsberg created a whole new game: Border Football. This game uses what divides people - borders, walls and fences - to bring them closer. We played at three of Europe's most tense borders. For a moment, people from both sides forget the wall between them. They enjoyed the togetherness that only beer and football can create.
Suicide Hotline
online film
Given the high suicide rates in Belgium, the Flemish suicide prevention hotline urgently needed to recruit new volunteers. But answering a call from someone with suicidal thoughts is not something everybody feels comfortable with. Therefore, we performed an experiment that already pre-selects people. We put a Zelfmoordlijn branded phone in a public place, and let the phone ring. We filmed this experiment and launched the video 2 days before the World Suicide Prevention Day.